Nipe Jibu
Language: Swahili, English Subtitles
Categories: Children & Youth, Everyone, Discipleship & Evangelism, Entertainment
Author: Collective
Publisher: Kahawa Media
ISBN: 735885098995
Run Time: 119 min
An Orphan Girl, Friends, Ancestors, Fear and Freedom
Nipe Jibu is a full-length, Swahili-language, musical film. It tells a story of true love - love lost, love desired and finally love found. ‘Nipe Jibu’ means ‘Answer Me’, and explores the answers to the big questions young Africans face as they navigate between the demands of traditional culture and the modern world. This musical offers us a view of how Ndoto, an orphan girl in modern Africa, is torn between her employer, a grandma who fears the anger of the spirits of the ancestors, and her friends who encourage her to trust in the one true God. After many battles and challenges, Ndoto chooses to put all her fears behind her and give her life to Jesus Christ.
African Movie
With a cast of 150 Africans and a story written in Swahili and filmed in East Africa, Nipe Jibu is truly a product of Africa. Citizens of 14 nations poured themselves into the creation of this film.
Authentic songs and wonderful music will draw you into the story of the movie and make you cry or dance along with Ndoto.
Outreach Tool
The film is also a powerful evangelistic tool that has influenced and touched thousands of hearts in the most remote areas of various East African countries. Nipe Jibu is answers some of the deepest questions and needs of the human heart. It contains a prayer for repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour.